Friday, January 10, 2014

T25 Ab Intervals...Wohoo!

I was reading a Q&A online with Shaun T (the man behind T25) and someone asked what kind of shoes to wear while doing this workout.  The first three days I wore my Mizuno Wave Riders that I wear to run. And I got a nice blister. So I was interested. Shaun T said right away he doesn't recommend running shoes. He recommended minimalist shoes.  So I figured for today's workout I'd try it out.
My Vibrams were perfect.  I plan on wearing them the rest of the time.

So today was Alpha Ab Intervals. I wasn't sure how I was going to feel about it, but I honestly felt that if it sucked more than yesterday I was going to quit.  Fortunately, it didn't.

It was 6:30pm by the time I got to work out today (after I watched the kids eat dinner and put mine in the fridge to save for after T25).  This one called for a Beachbody mini mat, but my regular full-size yoga mat worked fine.  I absolutely loved the workout.  It wasn't easy, but just as I was reaching my breaking point with each exercise, it was broken up with a cardio move.  There was one point I was holding plank and watching sweat drip off my face onto my mat.  I haven't had that happen since I used to do Bikram yoga when we lived in Seattle.  I'm anxious to see how my abs feel tomorrow.
I could smile after this one (even if it was a creepy kind of smile)!

So tomorrow, thankfully, the husband will be home so I can run again!  I also have to do the fifth day of T25 week one, since I started this weeks on Tuesday.  That means Sunday will be my only down day this weekend (although I'm still going to run it).  Next week I'll be able to start a Mon-Fri T25 schedule that I hope to keep throughout the program.

I'm going to also try to eat a little better next week.  This week seemed to involve a lot of crackers/processed foods and not enough fresh ingredients.  Like I said, I don't diet.  I do, however, try to stay healthy enough.  This week came in a little under the curve.

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